In tough economic times and in prosperous times, state and local governments face challenges when it comes to maintaining and delivering services in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. WebsterRogers understands your unique challenges and works with you to meet them head on.
The professionals at WebsterRogers help governmental entities keep up with the rapidly changing political and economic environment. Our staff has deep understanding of the reporting requirements government agencies face and can help with managing finances, improving operations and meeting compliance standards.
We have worked with numerous municipalities, counties and school districts over the years to help them manage the bottom line and meet the ever-changing needs of their constituents more efficiently and effectively.
Our governmental clients turn to us for new ideas to help solve their problems. At WebsterRogers we are committed to our clients’ needs.
“We have worked with numerous municipalities, counties and school districts over the years to help them manage the bottom line and meet the ever-changing needs of their constituents more efficiently and effectively.”
Assurance Services:
- Financial audits and reviews
- Performance audits
- Employee benefit plan audits
- Agreed upon procedures
- Internal controls
- Compliance audits
- Program audits
Fraud and Forensic Accounting:
- Asset tracing
- Contracting procedures
- Revenue recognition
- Payroll and disbursements
Industry Group Leader
Laurence Fritz, CPA
Director of Assurance Services Group

Not-for-profit organizations face business issues and challenges that are unique to their industry and can be best understood by people with a background in not-for-profit management. At WebsterRogers we understand the dedication and commitment it takes to effectively and efficiently operate a not-for-profit organization.
WebsterRogers’ Not-For-Profit Services Group will not only help you face these challenges but help you overcome them. We work with close to 200 not-for-profit organizations helping them plan, manage, and succeed in dealing with issues similar to yours. Our goal is to help you reach yours.
Our not-for-profit clients turn to us for new ideas to help solve their problems. At WebsterRogers we are committed to our clients’ needs.

Analysis and Design of Accounting Systems:
- General ledger accounting
- Functional accounting
- Fixed asset accounting
- Internal controls
- Outsourcing
Financial Management:
- Lease/purchase assistance
- Cost allocation plans
- Financing assistance
- Board of Directors policy & governance
- Payroll services
Information Reporting:
- Tax-exempt applications
- Federal Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990N, 990-PF, 990-T
- Unrelated business income
- Contribution issues
- Secretary of State compliance
Consulting Services:
- Policy development
- Not-For-Profit formation issues
- Viability and feasibility of organization
- Organizational vision and direction
- Financial audits and reviews
- Compliance audits