Accounting for PPP Loans
April 22, 2020
Paycheck Protection Program Update – 4/26/20
April 26, 2020SC Business Personal Property tax filing dates

As we all work to help individuals and companies make it through these unprecedented times by advising on, and assisting with, new government programs and incentives; we wanted to take a moment and make you aware of extended Business Personal Property tax filing deadlines here in South Carolina. While many have focused on the SC and Federal Income Tax filing deadline extension date of July 15th, this is not the due date for Business Personal Property tax returns.
For calendar year taxpayers, the due date for Business Personal Property tax returns normally due on April 30th has been extended to June 1st, 2020. This includes PT100s and PT300s filed with the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR). This extension is automatic and there is no need to request anything.
Many of our clients must file County Business Personal Property tax returns with their local counties. Amongst our clients, we file these returns with 16 counties in South Carolina that do not accept the SC Form PT100 for certain businesses. Unfortunately there is not a single database maintained with individual county due dates, but our State & Local Tax Team has contacted counties individually and received the following information.
- Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Jasper, Pickens, Richland, Sumter, Union and Williamsburg Counties have all extended the filing deadline to June 1, 2020.
- Horry county has extended the deadline to May 31, 2020.
- Georgetown and Orangeburg counties HAVE NOT extended the deadline. PT returns filed with the county are still due April 30, 2020.
Whether your business files a Business Personal Property tax return at the SCDOR or local county is based upon your NAICs code (“Major Group” in list below). Businesses that file with the county include real estate, securities brokers, insurance, hotels, health services and legal services.
Several counties have arranged to have ALL Business Personal Property tax returns filed at the SCDOR. These counties include Colleton, Greenville, Cherokee, Dorchester, Oconee, Chester and Saluda. The filing deadlines for the BPP tax returns for these counties is extended through June 1st.
What would be filed with the County vs. State?
Under County Jurisdiction unless exempt
Finance, insurance, and real estate……
Major Group 60 – Banking (Personal Property Exempt)
Major Group 61 – Credit agencies other than banks
Major Group 62 – Security and commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges, and services
Major Group 63 – Insurance (Out of State-Personal Property Exempt)
Major Group 64 – Insurance agents, brokers, and service
Major Group 65 – Real Estate
Major Group 66 – Combinations of real estate, insurance, loans law offices
Major Group 67 – Holding and other investment offices
Major Group 70 – Hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodgings
Major Group 80 – Health services
Major Group 81 – Legal services
Major Group 82 – Educational services
Major Group 83 – Social services
Major Group 84 – Museums, art galleries, botanical, and zoological gardens
Major Group 86 – Membership organizations (unless exempt)
Major Group 88 – Private households (county & exempt)
Major Group 89 – Miscellaneous services
Under Jurisdiction of South Carolina Department of Revenue
Major Group 72 – Personal services
Major Group 73 – Business services
Major Group 75 – Automotive repair, services and garages
Major Group 76 – Miscellaneous repair services
Major Group 78 – Motion Pictures
Major Group 79 – Amusement and recreation services, except motion pictures
The deadline extensions vary from state to state and county to county. If you file in a different state or county not included here, our team can help. If you need any assistance or guidance with this, please reach out to us and our State & Local Tax team is happy to assist. Contact your WR Partner or your relationship manager to begin the conversation.
State & Local Tax Team